Ecuador is full of rich cultural traditions and incredible wilderness landscapes providing a playground for outdoor enthusiasts. Amongst those landscapes are majestic volcanoes like Cayambe, reaching an elevation of 18,996ft and provides the opportunity to reach the highest point on the equator while enjoying the breathtaking views along the way. In preparation for Cayambe's summit we not only get to experience the the culture in the city of Quito, but we experience it from 15,413ft as we will climb Ruku Pichincha which overlooks the vast capitol city of Ecuador. Along with the opportunity to climb these mountains and experience the physical and mental accomplishments associated therewith, those that remain for the full stay will find an additional personal growth that can only come from giving of yourself. In Ibarra we will experience the culture in an intimate environment as we work with a local prosthetics clinic and provide a new way of life and dignity for less fortunate individuals who for one reason or another can't afford a prosthesis. ITINERARY